Social #10

At the Unit Bar, 1198 Queen St W. (map)

On November 11, 2010, 7PM

Conjurer of 8-bit sounds traveling from the stages of Blip Festival all the way to Grasshopper’s No More Hero’s 2 soundtrack and creator of Points TV project for the 1UP Show, makes his triumphant return to Canada after ten years immersed in Japan’s video game culture. Like an ambassador of the video game age, he brings back tales of the very cool and very unique including video-game themed bars, a Nintendo museum, and other retro game-influenced happenings.

Be inspired by all the awesome of the East and relate it back to the awesome of the West, and see how we all ride this wonderful wavelength that is video games.

Afterward, sample some of Japan’s finest indie games as we drink, chat, and socialize the night away.