Animation, Art and Interactivity Panel at TAAFI

The first ever Toronto Animation Arts Festival International (TAAFI) is kicking off in a few weeks at the TIFF Bell Lightbox, and we’ve been helping them connect with the game community. Several animator/gamemaker Hand Eye members are being featured in this panel.

Press A To Jump: Animation, Art and Interactivity
Duration: 01:30:00
From 8-bit pixels to hyper-polished polygons, animation and graphics play a huge role in the gaming experience. No longer bound by the technological limitations of the past, yet still sitting at the intersection of creative and commercial interests, there is much more to game art than meets the eye. With unprecedented accessibility allowing for a near limitless range of animation styles, the visual variety of interactive media now rivals film in terms of imaginative scope and artistic expression. With a focus on independent creation, this panel brings in several game-makers to explore the constantly expanding role of animation in games, the relationship between technology and personal vision, and the potential of the industry for new artists.

Cathy Feraday Miller (LucasArts/EIDOS/Co-founder at Rocket 5)
Miguel Sternberg (Spooky Squid’s They Bleed Pixels)
Jay Edry (DrinkBox Studios’ Guacamelee!)
Ryan Henson Creighton (Untold Entertainment)
Matt Hammill (Gesundheit!)

Moderator: Sagan Yee

It’s $15 on July 07, 2012 at 9:00 am. Get tickets to it or passes to the festival here.