Toronto Indie Guys EP 13 – Flew the Coop Team Interview

Have you heard of (and bought) Flew the Coop yet, a new iOS game? Well, you should if you haven’t!

We have the developers behind the barn, Jason Kaplan, and Damian Sommer. Jason is the founder of Game Prototype Challenge, and Damian is an indie extraordinaire. Releasing their first collaborated iOS game together, we go in-depth on how it came to be, and some of the problems they experienced during development. If you’re planning to create an iOS game yourself, this EP is for you!

Show them some support, spread the word. Mom bloggers, you know what to do. You can buy Flew the Coop here. It’s only $1.

Listen to the EP here, or on iTunes.

P.S. We have a twitter account @TOindieguys , and a Facebook Page here.